About Chris O’Neil & O’Neil Policy Consulting Inc.
Following eight successful years as a State Representative in the Maine Legislature, Chris O’Neil has worked for over a decade as an independent Public Affairs and Government Relations consultant…
I consider myself a “Maine Guide” who can get you in and out of the woods that government can sometimes be — and get you out safely with what you want. Able to assist at any level of government, I am primarily engaged at the State Capitol and various city halls, lobbying and advocating for a diverse range of clients.  I have represented Fortune 500 companies and nonprofits, trade associations and labor unions, developers and trash haulers, exterminators and environmental groups, insurers and banks.
Since 2005 Chris O’Neil has been an independent Government Relations Consultant. At the Maine Legislature he has represented dozens of interests, from small nonprofits to Fortune 500 companies.  He has successfully defeated two statewide referendum questions, and has run numerous local campaigns as well.

In his political career, Chris won all four of his legislative races, with an average of eighty percent of the vote. Chris served his first two terms on the Joint Standing Committee on Banking and Insurance. He was Chair of the House Ethics Committee, Chair of the Rules Committee, and the Speaker’s Appointee to the Tax Reform Subcommittee. Chris served in the 120th and 121st Legislatures as the House Chair of the Insurance and Financial Services Committee. In 2003 he was House Chair of the Joint Select Committee on Healthcare Reform. As the sponsor of the contentious Dirigo Health bill, Chris enhanced his reputation as a bi-partisan consensus builder. He was also a member of the Financial Services Committee at the National Conference of State Legislators.

Chris holds a B.A. in English & Journalism from the University of Southern Maine. While a legislator, he worked in training and management for INQ Marketing and for General Linen Leasing Company.  Previously he was General Manager of Home Fashions, and President of The O’Neil Company.

Chris O’Neil has served in numerous organizations, including:
St James School, Saco Babe Ruth, Senior League Baseball Board Member, Coach
St Mary’s Parish Capital Campaign, Festival Chair, Lector, Children’s Liturgist
Literacy Volunteers Board
City of Saco Comprehensive Plan Commission
Cheverus High School Alumni Council
Maine Consumer Healthcare Advisory Council
Maine Appalachian Trail Club,  Trail Maintenance Crew
Governor’s Maine Healthcare Performance Council
Governor’s Health Action Team
Formula Business Ordinance Committee
City of Portland Green Building Ordinance Task Force
City of Portland State & High Street Planning Task Force
Friends of Maine’s Mountains Board
City of Portland Franklin Street Redevelopment Task Force